precious moment is winning hearts all over the internet 😮

The National Down Syndrome Adoption Network (NDSAN) was established in a bid to ensure every child born with Down syndrome has the chance to grow up in a loving family.

The organization was founded by Robin and David Steele in 1982 after they fell in love with Martha, a young girl with Down syndrome residing at a children’s home.

Given all the worry and strife we face in the world today, it’s important that we all take a moment to appreciate the small things that make us feel good. Something as simple as a baby’s laugh or smile really can go a long way towards restoring some small measure of faith in humanity.

What’s more, I defy you to watch the video below and not be moved in some way. Small babies and their undeniable charm might not be everyone, but there’s something special about this baby that will almost certainly make you feel better for having watched the clip.